About Us

About Mahar
I am a lightworker, professional intuitive Tarot reader and a spiritual healer. I have endured harsh life experiences that eroded the knowledge of divine perfection and protection. I have had mystical experiences, such as psychic premonitions and angelic encounters intuitive hits and crystal-clear holy dreams. I come from a deep spiritual family background, and I carry ancestral wisdom. I truly and fully became aware of my gifts eight years back. I will take
gifts eight years back. I will take you on a spiritual adventure with natural healing and clairvoyant powers to help you reawaken the natural gifts that you have within you. Such as the ability to heal on a spiritual and energetic level. I give readings about the past, present, and future energies. I call upon archangels that are always by our sides. I conduct my sessions with the help of my gifted psychic receptivity.
As “The Hermit” card represents “The Hermit” stands alone on the top of the mountain. The snow-capped range symbolises his spiritual mastery, growth, and accomplishment. He has chosen this path of self-discovery and as a result, had reached a heightened state of awareness. In his right hand, he holds a lantern with a six-pointed star inside; it is the seal of Solomon, a symbol of wisdom. As The Hermit walks his path, the lamp lights his way- but it only illuminates his next few steps rather than the full journey. He must step forward to see where to go next, knowing that not everything will be revealed at once. In his left hand, the side of the subconscious mind, The Hermit holds a long staff (a sign of his power and authority) which he uses to guide and balance himself & others. Carl Jung quoted ‘where your fear is there your task is.’